How To Remove Ice From Your Windshield

If you have ice on your windshield, it is important to remove it before it causes serious damage. If you let the ice build up, it could eventually crack your windshield and require a replacement. Here are some ways to effectively remove ice without causing even more damage.

Try an Ice Scraper or Squeegee

Two tools that may work at removing the ice are an ice scraper or squeegee. The squeegee works best when you have a thin layer of soft ice on your windshield, as the rubber edge will help remove soft ice. However, if the ice hardens and becomes solid, it is best to use the ice scraper. If you are going to scrape ice off your windshield, don't use any other tools unless they are made from a soft material like rubber. Other tools will scratch your window and cause permanent damage. An ice scraper works similar to a squeegee though it has a slightly sharper edge to help get hardened ice off the glass.

Use Warm Water

It is a good idea to try and soften the ice as much as possible before removing it by using warm water. Don't use hot water as this will crack the windshield. If your window does crack, call a local company, like All Auto Glass, for a prompt replacement. However, lukewarm water might help melt some of the ice. This isn't a fast fix, so it won't work if you are running late for work. If you have enough time, fill up a large bowl with warm water and start pouring it over your windshield. If there is soft, thin ice, it might melt completely and allow you to avoid scraping any ice from the glass. Otherwise, it should soften it up enough to use a squeegee.

Warm Up Your Car

Another method that is effective but takes a little longer is warming up your car. Turn on your car and keep it in park. Turn on your heater and set it to defrost. Let it sit with the defrost setting on high for several minutes and wait for it to warm up. Soon, you will see the ice start softening and melting. You can either wait just long enough to where it is easier to remove by hand, or until it melts completely. If there is a thick, hard layer of ice, this might not be the only method but works, but it definitely helps when you are planning on using another tool to remove it completely.
